Friday, February 10, 2006

F5 - incredible damage

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Where has people’s creativity and courage gone to these days? Is no one adventurous anymore? Spontaneous? What the heck! Everything around me has become so boring, that it’s become hard for me to be imaginative anymore.

Last week in my geography class, we learned about how tornadoes form. Personally, I think that tornadoes are pretty darn radical. I mean, come on, just to think that a little wind circling in different directions can quickly pick up speed, and create winds of 450km/h? Yeah, I guess people get pretty freaked out by their destruction, but that comes with any natural disaster. It’s why they’re called DISASTERS. Anyway.. while our prof was talking about tornadoes, he asked if anyone had ever chased one before. No one put their hand up. Then he asked if anyone ever wanted to. Out of almost 300 kids, I was the ONLY person who put up their hand. I was completely shocked. Of all those people, was I the only one with the guts to go out and find a tornado? It’s not like I’m going to get and get myself sucked up into one. Obviously I’m going to be completely prepared for it, well, as much as I could be, and educate myself enough to understand how they work.

So I guess I’m wondering if people lose their sense of adventure as they grow older. It seems plausible. The younger generations are where the imaginations are, and I guess that’s why I’m afraid of growing up. I don’t want to lose my creative or adventurous side to old age, and everything that goes along with it. At home I have come pretty crazy friends, all who are as bold as the fearless 7 year olds that I worked with all summer. They don’t usually think about anything twice before going ahead and doing it. I don’t know if that makes them stupid or ingenious. Personally I think that they’re pretty smart. Sure I may seem biased, them being my friends and all, but in all honesty, I think that it’s the risk takers that experience life moreso than those who are afraid. They are the one’s that aren’t afraid to try new things, and they are the ones who show me that I don’t need to second guess myself on new things.

It was these friends that showed me that I don’t have to be afriad to go after things that I enjoy in life. I don’t understand how people can just wonder their way through life, not trying new things, never straying away from the path that they’ve set out for themselves in life.


Beth said...

Reva, this is exactly what I needed to read today!! been slugging through the day just hoping for an adventure...and I agree, sometimes it seems like we lose our sense of adventure when things are just everyday normal...but I refuse to conform the boringness....ADVENTURES LIVE ON!!!!

Anonymous said...


The image is very cool. Makes the entry come alive too.