Thursday, November 30, 2006


good books;
the little prince - antoine de saint exupéry
off the map - kika and hib (a crimethinc book)
the empress of the world - sara ryan
white oleander - janet fitch
angela's ashes - frank mcCourt
evasion - another crimethinc book
the perks of being a wallflower - stephen chbosky
the catcher in the rye - j. d. salinger
48 shades of brown - nick earls
macbeth - william shakespeare
postsecret and mysecret - frank warren et al.
memoirs of a geisha - arthur golden
mr. was - pete hautman
the giver - lois lowry
the vagina monologues - eve ensler et al.
the lovely bones - alice sebold
blue like jazz - donald miller
the ragamuffin gospel (visual edition) - brennan manning
tuesdays with morrie - mitch albom
all the hits so far - bradley hathaway
girl, interrupted - susanna kaysen
spilling open - sabrina ward harrison
messy thrilling life - sabrina ward harrison

not a good book;
Canadian Women: A History

i would love to be reading anything but this right now.... but unfortunately, any of the books listed above are not going to help me on my final.

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